Making ends meet: who is paying the price?

Financial Health.
It’s in our DNA.

Offering insights into the impact of the cost of living crisis

In our inaugural financial health report last year, Equifax, in collaboration with TDX Group, the Centre of Social Justice (CSJ), Policy in Practice, and the Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS), provided a comprehensive overview of the nation’s financial well‑being.

This report offered insights into the impact of the cost of living crisis on consumers and the evolving debt landscape. Notably, it highlighted how younger demographics, facing higher essential living costs and lower financial resilience, were particularly affected.

Looking ahead to 2023, we anticipated a further decline in households’ disposable income, leading to more individuals struggling to meet financial commitments, including telecoms and loan repayments. Additionally, we foresaw an increase in mortgage arrears, driven by the transition of 1.4 million consumers from low fixed-rate mortgages.

Our 2024 report delves deeper into the aftermath of the cost of living crisis and the resilience of consumers amidst the mortgage shock. Through the lens of our clients, partners, and industry experts, we explore the human stories behind the statistics, shedding light on the path to financial recovery in the UK.

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36+ year mortgages now account for 10% of the market with consumers prioritising short-term costs and affordability

10% rise in the last year of active credit cards with at least 90% utilisation

Buy Now Pay Later fast becoming the norm for online shopping

Over 55s have experienced the highest growth in mortgage arrears rates

Gender pay gap and pension pay gap means that womenare financially disadvantaged

94% of single-parent households claiming Housing Benefit are headed by women

85% of Brits in debt feel or have felt confident in being able to repay all of their debts

1/4 of Brits stating that they feel extremely confident in doing.

Women are less confident than men (83% v 91%).

Financial Health.
It’s in our DNA.

Humanising financial health

Download our latest report and learn more about the human stories behind the statistics, shedding light on the path to financial recovery in the UK.